
Move Better With Our Physiotherapy

Who We Are

With over 24 years of clinical experience, Our Physiotherapist was trained as a sports therapist, but progressed to studying Physiotherapy and graduating with a Bachelor of Science from the City University of New York. He obtained a Master Degree in Orthopaedics from the University of Indianapolis and has over 5,000 hours of additional training since his graduation. He has graduated with a Fellowship in Applied Functional Science, from the Gray Institute, in the US.

The treatment he offers is individually tailored to each person’s body and condition. They include various types of massage for the muscles and connective tissues of the body; mobilization and occasional manipulation of joints to re-establish normal biomechanics; therapeutic exercise to help maintain, restore and develop strength, and functional activities to promote optimal movement and posture.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and works to prevent disease and disability through physical means. Physiotherapists are experts in movement and function who work in partnership with their patients, assisting them to overcome movement disorders, which may have been present from birth, acquired through accident or injury, or are the result of ageing or life-changing events.

Physiotherapists are trained to assess your condition, diagnose the problem, and help you understand what’s wrong. Your treatment plan will take into account your lifestyle, activities, and general health.

The following are common treatment methods physiotherapists may use:

  • exercise programs to improve mobility and strengthen muscles
  • joint manipulation and mobilisation to reduce pain and stiffness
  • muscle re-education to improve control
  • airway clearance techniques and breathing exercises
  • soft tissue mobilisation (massage)
  • acupuncture
  • hydrotherapy
  • Assistance with use of aids, splints, crutches, walking sticks and wheelchairs.

What Are The Benefits?

Conditions that respond well to chiropractic care:

  • Improve muscle strength and mobility
  • Relieve pain caused by surgery or medical problems
  • Prevent and manage pain and physical impairments
  • Improve basic functions such as standing, walking, and grasping
  • Promote independently maintained healthy physical lifestyles

Our Teachers

Kat graduated from Otago University, New Zealand in 1994 with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and has 22 years experience in musculoskeletal assessment and treatment. In 2003 she completed a Graduate certificate in Manual Therapy at Curtin University, Australia, and in 2004 she completed the Polestar Rehabilitation Pilates course.
Colin is registered Physiotherapist with over 24 years ‘experience and Physiotherapy degree from University of New York. He has a Master Degree in Orthopedics and over 5,000 hours of additional training. He graduated with a Fellowship in Applied Functional Science, from the Gray Institute (USA) and he is an experienced sports therapist.
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